
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Only the best song to listen to before a show...

I LOVE THE WHO! I got this on a cd from Jordan, and it's basically kind of the best thing ever. Before I went in for my call time yesterday, I just shut off my car and listened to this song. It's an amazing song, and I felt totally centered and ready for my show after listening to it.

Actually...blasting it. You just can't listen to this song quietly. :) Thanks, Jordan.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Listen to this...

Jeremy Messersmith's A Boy, A Girl and A Graveyard.

I love him. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"I'm not THAT pristine..."

Hi! So if you're seeing this, you probably saw this posted on congratulations. You clicked on the link and now you're keep coming back, ha ha! I'll update this regularly...pinkie promise.

So...the Breakfast Club...Twenty six years ago today, it was released and I've been planning this blog for some time now. It's lame. It's dumb. But I love the movie more than words can say, and my new year's resolution was to get a blog (and dance more...but that's unrelated), and I can't just back down on myself like that! :)

I first saw the Breakfast Club the summer before my freshman year. I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out and was in a bunch of horrible pain (and totally nauseous, ugh) so my mom had a bunch of DVD's from the library (yeah. We're cool.) and the first one I watched was The Breakfast Club.


It was amazing.

Since then, I've seen it more than any other movie. Ever. More than Airplane, The Holy Grail, and even Rocky Horror and the Charlie Brown Christmas movie.

I don't know why I've become so freakishly attached to this movie, but I have. :) It's stereotypical. It's funny. It makes me want to smoke weed in a library...kidding about the last part, ha ha. And the best part about it's true. There are people like that at every school, and we do act a certain way in front of people, even if we don't want to admit it.

One of my favorite lines from the movie is when Emilio Estevez says, "What is bizarre? I mean, we're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others, that's all."

C'est vrai.

Keep coming back. I'll randomly post random things and I'll try to keep it interesting. :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Okay, so anyone that knows me knows that I've been going a titch crazy with my webcam, recording videos to my friend's walls on Facebook...but why not? I mean, come on. Hear me out.

My reasoning: Why post words on someones wall when you could record a video saying exactly what you were saying while having them be able to see your facial expressions? If you've ever had a 'text fight,' like bickering with someone through email or texts all because of a misinterpretation of the tone of a sentence or something or other (you follow? yes?) then you know what I mean. This way, it's just a crapton easier to simply say what you mean and letting them interpret it the way you meant it.


In other news in my world...I'm about to each Chipotle for breakfast! Then I'm heading down for my class in the cities and am probably gonna wander around the bridge for a while since it's not as freakin' cold as it was the last couple of weeks. Man! I can't WAIT for the Farmer's Market to open up again, so I can go get some more goat cheese from the lady that looks like Mrs. Whatsit.

Spring is such a great time, and it's coming! Soon! To everywhere, near you! Aaah! :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

it shall be the death of me!

Well, in anticipation of February 15th coming up in just SIX DAYS, I've decided to leave some more blog postings. Once this is up, I'll try to post something every day, or almost everyday, so that just in case someone reads it, I'll have something new up!

And won't that be snazzy...

So, a note about my life: online homework. A huge pain, especially if you're click-happy like me and don't read the question right away--then suddenly're ten points in the hole and end up yelling at your friend Megan while registering for classes...

It was a rough day.

Not to mention our choir drove to the nearby high school to perform for their concert choir, so I was late to my fourth block class, thus missing the beginning of class, thus missing the portion of the class day when we talk about online homework...

Which I needed help gone....

Sigh. I've never missed a regular old homework packet more in my life!

Monday, January 31, 2011


What is coffee? A dictionary definition describes coffee to be a strong, bitter beverage served at socials. A thesaurus says synonyms like, "battery acid, brew, caffeine, hot stuff, ink, mocha, varnish remover..." (The first and last ones being rather unflattering, if I do say so myself).

But how do I define coffee?

Coffee: n. 1. A beverage best when hot, but not bad cold, though certainly not at it's best when luke-warm. To be drunk black--are there even any other colors to have coffee be?

Random post, but I was drinking coffee and felt inspired. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things that start with the letter "N"


Well, you see...

This started out as a conversation at my grandparent's house, when I realized there are not a lot of things to eat that start with the letter "n," so after making a few phone calls and doing a little research, I've compiled a reputable list of things that start with the letter "n." :)

Noodles, nachos, nectarines, nougat, nutmeg, naan, nutterbutters, narwhal, nuts, Naval oranges, navy beans, Northern pike, New York strip steak, Norwegian stew, Nilla wafers, nerds, neapolitan ice cream, nuggets, New England clam chowder, and Now and Laters.

Naked, Nehi soda, Neavous Beaujolais, Nestea, Nestle, Nyquil...?

Natalie Portman. Enough said.

Noodles & Company, Neiman Marcus, Norski Nook.

More Places:
Normandy Beach, Napal, Niagra Falls, Northfield, New Jersey.

Things that suck (a lot):

Random N things...
Napalm, Nice-and-Easy hair color, Neanderthals, Nirvana.

And finally...
Naiyouzhagao. A creamy-type fried cake thing. Cred to Drew Stender who found this for me!